Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Beauty of Tangible Goal Setting

2:48 PM Posted by Anonymous No comments

We believe this is our year to do what no other RC Dawson team has done. This year is the first time that our team really implemented goal setting. Goal setting can make or break seasons. It can determine if a football team gets bulldozed or is the bulldozer. Goals provide incentive, but can also cause disappointment. In our team’s opinion it would be foolhardy to set unrealistic expectations yet it is important to set a high enough goals that seem tangible so the team works harder. A similar comparison I could draw is sprinting. If someone walked up to me and told me to run a 4.4 I wouldn't even try because I’d have a better chance finding the last number of pi. However, if I was told to run a 5.1 and there was a box of Krispy Krems at the finish line I would train harder than everyone who trains hard….multiplied by a lot….plus a little more. Bottom line I would run that 5.1 like a champ and eat those krispy krems like a king because a tangible goal was put in front of me. The same idea applies to RC Dawson, were not trying to achieve something insane, but we are giving ourselves a tangible task that will require hard work. 

RC Dawson wants to make it to the world championship and establish a name for ourselves on the biggest stage. To achieve this goal we have a two plans. 

First Plan
Our first plan is to perfect our building technique and robot efficiency in competition. The team will also study the competition and know literally everything about the game, our competitors and strategy. The winner of the regional gets a spot in the world championship and that is what we want.

Second Plan
This plan is a surefire way of getting recognition while going for the world championship. The chairman’s award is a prize given to a team the has done community outreach through STEM educational endeavors in addition to various other things. Then a video will be created attempting to highlight the teams outreach and what RC Dawson really is. The whole point of having a robotics program is to learn through competition and hands on experience. We will emulate that in our video and hopefully receive the prestigious chairman’s award.   

Life Isn't always about winning…but not really. Anyway, the RC Dawson program has additional goals that are not just winning. Robotics is supposed to be fun and we need to make sure that the program doesn't lose the ability to have a great time while learning. 

The Krispy Krems are waiting, it is our job to get them.


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